Cataloguing my pandemic journey of discovery!

On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Ten days later I sent an email to my family and friends that stated:
This virus doesn’t scare me, but the big picture agenda does!
In mid 2017 I learnt that mechanisms were being woven into place to set up a system where by “vaccine passports” could be introduced. This knowledge shook me up and I had my first ever and only panic attack! Being forced to inject a man-made, big pharma product into my body, no matter what the “scientific consensus”, is not something that I wanted for myself and my family. A “passport” means whatever a third-party determines to be “good for you” or more probably sold as “for the greater good” then that product becomes mandatory, and at that time there were over 200 vaccine candidates in the pipeline just waiting for a market! Think about that! [Edit: in 2013 there were 300 vaccines in development]
No matter my view point, or yours, about this type of “medical intervention,” the fact remains that vaccine passports were on the horizon and the declared pandemic presented an ideal catalyst to bring this agenda into motion.
[Edit: Nov 2022 – G20 conspire to push vaccine passports for the “next pandemic” – READ, based on a vaccine that was not even tested to see if it stopped transmission (which it didn’t), and the “mRNA platform” which has all manner of death and debilitating issues]
What I didn’t know, but have since discovered, is that vaccines are but a tool for other agendas bubbling “behind the scenes”. Its not just about opening up a money pit for big pharmaceutical companies (vaccines are more profitable than drug products), and its not even about health, the evidence distills down to the setting up of a system that will “justify” overreaching global control – of every aspect of your life.
Purpose of this website
This website is a resource that captures significant data points which helps build the picture of centralised control and manipulation. It is collated in a chronological manner as a timeline, it is being continually added to. Individually the data points may seem like well-intended goals, but, through time, they morph away from the initial intent. The burden of evidence as a totality, builds a picture of “conspiracy” that I feel we weren’t meant to discover, certainly not en masse as hundreds of millions of people have done over the past two years, and the subject matters are not just in the arena of public health!
This website is a resource to aid you in doing your own research.
The timeline data points are fact and information that link to source materials . Facts that you can check and research further for yourself. The timeline captures broadly global, US, UK and Australian data points, with a small focus on South Australia. The timeline began its formation on the Adelaide Freedom Rally website, but it outgrew that location and has migrated here.
I hope you find this information useful in your own search for understanding.
May the tomorrow we are heading into be one that we the people collectively create, and not one that we are manipulated into following and forced to endure by powers outside of our democratically elected process!
God bless us all.
Just call me Jack
(Jack of all trades, master of none!)