Dr David Brownstein was one of the early treatment COVID-19 doctors, who along with his colleagues treated hundreds of patients in the car park of their holistic medicine clinic, preventing the need for hospitalisation and death. They often witnessed rapid improvements.

The first 24 years of practicing holistic medicine was our time to figure out what worked and what did not work for people suffering from viral infections. That set us up to be ready for this pandemic.

Dr Brownstein wrote in April 2020

Dr Brownstein was one of the first censored early treatment doctors after the

US Federal Trade Commission sent a warning letter demanding removal (censorship) of information on patient treatments from his own website.

Dr. David Brownstein, MD, is a board-certified family physician who utilizes the best of conventional and alternative therapies. He is the Medical Director for the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University School of Medicine.

Dr. Brownstein is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and serves on the board for the International College of Integrative Medicine. He is the father of two beautiful physicians, Hailey and Jessica, and is a retired soccer coach. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally about his success using natural therapies. – REF

He is the author of many books:

  • Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 5th Edition
  • Vitamin B12 for Health; Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do, 2nd Edition
  • The Miracle of Natural Hormones, 3rd Edition
  • Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, 3rd Edition
  • Overcoming Arthritis
  • Salt Your Way to Health, 2nd Edition
  • The Guide To Healthy Eating, 2nd Edition
  • The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet, 2nd Edition
  • The Guide to a Dairy-Free Diet
  • The Soy Deception
  • The Skinny on Fats
  • The Statin Disaster
  • Ozone: The Miracle Therapy; and Heal Your Leaky Gut

This page captures some of Dr Brownsteins articles and interviews, including archived articles from his website that serve to help piece together his journey of saving lives during the early days of the pandemic beginning in January 2020. This post catalogue’s a doctor’s journey successfully treating COVID-19 with cheap and effective viral infection protocols.

  • Dr Brownstein’s books – HERE
    • Book: A Holistic Approach to Viruses – HERE

Links in reverse chronological order


December 9, 2023 – Alison Morrow: “Infodemic” crackdown in WHO pandemic treaty || Dr. David Brownstein – WATCH

December 8, 2023 – Alison Morrow: Survey: doctors dislike corporate medicine || Dr. David Brownstein – WATCH

  • A survey conducted by the Physicians Advocacy Institute found that the majority of doctors believe patient care declines when they work for a corporate owner

December 8, 2023 – CHD | Informed Life Radio: Medicalized Food With David Brownstein, M.D. – WATCH

July 6, 2023 – Doctors & Scientists w/ Brian Hooker PhD: Underlying Causes With David Brownstein, M.D. – WATCH

May 4, 2023 – HEALTH EXPOSED By Health Revival Partners #33: Heroic COVID Treatment Administration – Dr. David Brownstein – A Nutritional and Oxidative Approach to Viral Illnesses – presentation by Dr. David Brownstein – WATCH


November 23, 2022 – Unbreaking Science w/ Dr Jack: Pierre Kory & David Brownstein “Booster Faceplant” – WATCH, BACKUP

  • “New York Times, major medical journals are now saying widespread vaccination is pointless. Dr. Kory and Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Lyons-Weiler discuss why it took them so long!”

July 11, 2022 – Unstreass Health with Dr Ron Ehrlich: Dr David Brownstein: Thyroid, Iodine, Viruses and More – WATCH, READ


November 8, 2021 – Against The Wind with Dr. Paul – Episode 024 w/ guests Dr David Brownstein, Brian Hooker, and Bernadette Pajer – WATCH

  • Absolute Risk versus Relative Risk

April 26, 2021 – Weston A. Price Foundation | Wise Traditions Podcast Ep 309: Treatment Cover-Up with David Brownstein – LISTEN & Transcript, BACKUP

March 20, 2021 – Unbreaking Science w/ Dr. James Lyons-Weiler: Dr. David Brownstein – COVID19 – Why Still No Treatments? – WATCH, FB

  • Why the US is doing so much worse than so many other countries – and who is responsible for the COVID19 disaster

March 15, 2021 – Science-Based Medicine by David Gorski: The Brownstein protocol is not a proven treatment for COVID-19 – READ (The negative press)

  • “There is no evidence that his protocol works, other than a very poor quality case series.”
  • “The “study” was retrospective, not randomized, not blinded (much less double blinded), and involved all manner of quackery, including oral vitamins A, C, D, and iodine given to 107 subjects (99%), with intravenous solutions of hydrogen peroxide and Vitamin C given to 32 (30%) and 37 (35%) subjects, 37 patients (35%) of the cohort receiving intramuscular ozone, and a nebulized hydrogen peroxide/saline mixture, with Lugol’s iodine used by 91 (85%). In the article, Dr. Brownstein claimed that 100% of the 107 patients treated recovered, with a high degree of rapid symptomatic improvement. It was the very definition of an utterly uninformative study,…” [Gorski managed to fit in the “quackery”.]

March 6, 2021: Nutrition with Judy – Why You NEED Salt – Your Way to Optimal Health. A Discussion with Dr. David Brownstein – WATCH

February 17, 2021 – Dr Mercola: Nebulized Peroxide: Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. David Brownstein – WATCH

February 5, 2021 – Silicon Valley Health Institute: Thyroid and Healing in Current Times- David Brownstein, MD – WATCH


November 23, 2020 – Detox Life: COVID Treatment – Dr. Brownstein’s antiviral protocol for his patients during acute illness or exposure to someone ill – by Dr. Brownstein – READ, ARCHIVE

August 30, 2020 – Mercola: How Nebulized Peroxide May Help Fight Respiratory Infections – Interview With Dr. David Brownstein – WATCH

August 24, 2020: Dr. D Brownstein interview with Guy B.Z : A nutritional protocol for COVID 19 in the USA – A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies – WATCH, BACKUP

July 23, 2020 – Unbreaking Science: Dr. David Brownstein and Dr. Jack on Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies – WATCH,

  • July 2020 – An Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) | Science, Public Health Policy and The Law Journal: A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies Brownstein, Ng et al – PDF, ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE Journal – HERE

May 13, 2020 – Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Warning Letter to Dr. Brownstein’s Holistic Medicine – READ, CREDIT

  • FTC Coronavirus Warning Letters to Companies – The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued almost 250 warning letters to individuals and companies since March 2020 – “eliminating false or misleading information from the marketplace is a key objective of the FTC, and one of the most effective ways the agency does that is by sending warning letters to companies that may be violating the FTC Act.” – READ, CREDIT

April 19, 2020 – Dr Brownstein’s Blog: The Good News Is Still There: Death Rate for COVID Falling in New Study – ARCHIVE

  • Mainstream media (MSM—CNN, Fox, and nearly every other news station) is reporting 24/7 about COVID-19. We hear about every death in real time. We get daily updates about how many are infected and how many are dying. Listening to the MSM would have anyone believe that we have a plague on our hands that is not only infecting everyone, it is killing nearly everyone who becomes ill with it.”
  • “Folks, this is a perfect example of “Fake News.” COVID-19 is neither infecting everyone nor is it killing the vast majority who get infected.   I have been writing about his since the start of the crisis. The best advice I can give you is to turn off the news.”

April 16, 2020 – The Highwire Episode 159: LOCKDOWN SHOWDOWN – Doctors Successfully Treating COVID-19 – WATCH, FULL

Dr David Brownstein and Dr Richard Ng speak to Del Bigtree about their success with treating COVID-19 – source

April 14, 2020 – Dr Brownstein’s Blog: There is Still Hope Out There VIII: I Didn’t Really Break My 102 Fever for 4 or 5 Days, an interview with COVID patient, Brandon, who is a paramedic – archive WATCH, ARCHIVE, YouTube deleted

April 13, 2020 – Dr Brownstein Blog: Fake COVID-19 Death Numbers and There Still Is Good News – ARCHIVE

  • “Last week in the office, I could sense the fear level lowering among my staff and patients. That is a good thing. Our natural fear level was much too high for COVID. This was being driven by the media who refused to share any good news about this epidemic and continually fanned the flames by promoting their doomsday predictions”
  • “I saw reports from the MSM that COVID death rates will be under-reported due to COVID-suffering patients dying at home and not being given a proper diagnosis. That is pure FAKE NEWS! Everyone who dies is given a diagnosis—at home or in the hospital. The CDC has already given doctors the green light to give COVID diagnoses without proof that COVID was the actual cause of death.   Because of this, COVID will be diagnosed as the cause of death far more than it should.
  • Hospitals receive more money—up to $13,000 from the Government for an admission diagnosis of COVID. If the COVID-diagnosed patient is ventilated, they receive up to $39,000. This was reported by Minnesota state Senator and physician Scott Jensen. (1) I can guarantee you that hospital administrators are running around telling every physician and resident physician to diagnosis COVID at the first cough or sneeze for every patient.
  • Italy has been going through similar issues. A report by the Italian National Institute of Health stated, “The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus […] On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.” This means that the cause of death for COVID-19 on death certificates in Italy have been artificially inflated by 88%! – REF

April 12, 2020 – Dr Brownstein Blog: There Is Still Hope Out There: COVID Talk With Me & My Colleagues of the Center for Holistic Medicine – ARCHIVE

  • “At the Center for Holistic Medicine, my colleagues and I have treated almost 100 patients who were diagnosed with COVID or had COVID-like symptoms. At this time, our patients were doing well. No one has been hospitalized, no one has been diagnosed with pneumonia, and there have been no fatalities. We have spent the past 25 years preparing for this moment, and we were ready!
  • Hear our stories about the success we have had using natural supplements, IV therapies, and nebulization to treat our patients. – Saturday Afternoon Weekly Chat with the Medical Staff of the Center for Holistic Medicine – no video archive, YouTube

April 9, 2020 – Dr Brownstein Blog: 85 COVID Patients at The Center for Holistic Medicine: Zero Hospitalizations and No Deaths – ARCHIVE

  • “There are five practitioners at CHM: Drs. Brownstein, Ng, Nusbaum, Jenny Drummond, PA, and Taylor Easson, NP. …. As of this week, we have had 85 patients either diagnosed with COVID or suspected COVID.  I am pleased to report that our patients are doing well with this illness. (Note, since new guidelines have come out stating that any suspected COVID patient can be diagnosed with COVID, I am lumping COVID and suspected COIVD patients together for this post.)”
  • The first 24 years of practicing holistic medicine was our time to figure out what worked and what did not work for people suffering from viral infections. That set us up to be ready for this pandemic.
  • “In my blogs, I encouraged people to take high doses of vitamins A, C, D, and iodine at the first sign of an illness. In our practice, this was sufficient for the majority of our COVID patients. I (and my partners) have no doubt that the vast majority of COVID patients would avoid a deterioration of their symptoms if they started this protocol at the onset of symptoms.”

April 4, 2020 – Unbreaking Science w/ Dr Jack: Dr. David Brownstein on the Coronavirus Reaction – WATCH

  • “This illness should be a wake up call for our country. We have been unhealthy for way too long, and we need to get healthier” – EXCERPT

April 3, 2020 – Dr Brownstein Blog: Coronavirus XIV: The Good News is Still There But Not Reported By Mainstream Media – ARCHIVE

  • “…let me preface this article by stating that I am not minimizing the dangers of COVID-19. It is a serious illness as I have observed in both patients and friends. Thousands have died and, unfortunately, more deaths are coming. However, our fear level is much too high for this illness.”
  • “The vitamin C is a combination therapy developed in 2017 by Dr. Paul Marik at Eastern Virginia Medical School.   He gives critically ill patients IV doses of hydrocortisone, vitamin C, and vitamin B1 within six hours of entering the emergency room. Dr. Marik reported a significantly lowered death rate in those treated with his regimen. When COVID-19 came to Virginia, Dr. Marik used his protocol. He reported saving four COVID-19 patients including an 86-year-old man admitted to the hospital with 100% oxygen. Elderly people on oxygen usually do not survive COVID-19.
  • Dr. J. Varon at United General Hospital In Houston reported saving 16 lives with this protocol. He reports that his patients are getting off the ventilator at 48 hours instead of 10-21 days!
  • My faithful readers know that I have been yelling as loudly as I can that all COVID-19 patients should be getting vitamin C IVs. IN FACT, they should be getting vitamin C IVs within six hours of entering the ER because data shows a markedly reduced mortality rate if the IV is started within six hours of admission. A delay above that markedly increases the death rate. Once 12 hours has passed, it is too late. There is no mortality benefit from the IV protocol.”
  • “The press release regarding the success with vitamin C in treating COVID was sent to me late at night Monday (March 30, 2020).   On Tuesday morning, I had a meeting with my nurses and said, “Finally, the hospitals are going to start using vitamin C on COVID patients. They are going to see what we have been seeing.”
  • I guess I called that one wrong. I thought the press release would be the lead story on Fox, CNN, MSN, and every other media outlet. I thought there would be a run on IV vitamin C. I guess good news is not worth reporting. I say turn off the news. It is not worth watching. In fact, it is shameful.”

April 1, 2020 – Dr Brownstein Blog: There Is Still Hope Out There V: More About Nebulizing – ARCHIVE

  • “Iodine Nebulizing:  I instruct my patients to add a drop or two of Lugol’s 5%  solution to 3 cc of normal saline (0.9% saline).  Normal saline can be purchased at a pharmacy.  If someone has Lugol’s 2% solution, they can use 2-4 drops in 3cc of normal saline.”

March 30, 2020 – Dr Brownstein Blog: There Is Still Hope Out There lll: How to Nebulize – ARCHIVE

  • “…nebulizing hydrogen peroxide and iodine should be done on every COVID patient. It should be done on every pneumonia patient.  It should be done on every influenza-suffering patient.  It should be done on every patient suffering from lung problems.” But “only with the guidance of your doctor…”

February 26, 2020 – Dr Brownstein’s Blog: How to Prevent Corona Virus? Avoid the Flu Shot – ARCHIVE

  • “Folks, this is another example of FAKE NEWS! The flu vaccine has never been shown to protect against pneumonia.”
  • “… those who get the flu vaccine will be more at risk for other non-flu-like infections such as coronavirus.” – 2012 Cowling et al – PAPER

February 25, 2020 – Coronavirus Part III: Say It Ain’t So – ARCHIVE

  • “So, should we give the US government AT LEAST $2.5 billion to make a vaccine against COVID-19 (the coronavirus strain currently active)? Right now, the answer should be absolutely not. We simply do not know how deadly this virus is. The information out of China simply cannot be trusted….The CDC should be the last governmental organization trusted…”

February 14, 2020 – Dr Brownstein’s Blog: Coronavirus Part II – ARCHIVE

  • “Why avoid the flu shot? The flu shot is approximately 1-2% effective in preventing the flu—that is the absolute risk difference which is much more reliable than relative risk difference.”
  • “The new coronavirus, COVID-19 is still spreading in China and elsewhere. As of 2.14.20, the data indicates that 1,400 have died and over 64,000 are infected. Although those numbers are grim, I would like to put them in perspective. These numbers correlate to a 2% death rate (1,400/64,000). In other words, 98% of those infected survive. Keep in mind, those are the reported numbers. I am certain there are many more infected people who are staying home convalescing on their own.  Factoring those individuals in the total numbers would lower the death rate….”

January 26, 2020 – Dr Brownstein’s Blog: Corona Virus: What To Do – ARCHIVE

  • “I first reported to you about COVID on January 26, 2020. That was the first time I presented our protocol of using vitamins A, C, D, and iodine not only to support the immune system but also to treat viral infections. In that post, I also pointed out how important eating a healthy diet is.  The importance of using intravenous nutrient therapy, especially vitamin C, was mentioned. Finally, I suggested that, with coronavirus, it would be wise not to get a flu vaccine since the flu vaccine has been shown to significantly increase the risk of coronavirus and other flu-like viral infections.” – REF
  • Corona virus is nothing new. It has been with us for a long time. Corona virus can affect both animals and humans. It is important to keep in mind that most corona viral infections are mild. In the last two decades, there were two serious corona virus infections–severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) which both had elevated death rates.
  • So, what can you do? Wearing a mask will not help protect you from becoming ill with any viral infection—corona virus included. I would check that off the list.”
  • “Iodine is essential to not only fighting off an infection it is necessary for proper immune system functioning. There is no bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus that is known to be resistant to iodine.”
  • As for getting the flu shot? Fugetaboutit. It won’t help corona infections and there was a study which found an increased risk in non-influenza infections, including coronavirus, in those that received the trivalent flu vaccine.”:
    • June 2012 – Clinical Infectious Disease RCT: – Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine – Cowling et al – READ, PDF
    • We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo
  • “My last recommendation is to work with a holistic doctor who can give you nutrient IVs when you become ill. Vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone IVs can help anyone suffering from an infection… Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.” such as coronavirus


April 24, 2017 – Dr Brownstein Blog: Where is the Outrage?  DPT Shots Associated with a 10-Fold Higher Mortality! – ARCHIVE-

  • “The authors found there was a 10-fold increase risk in death in the vaccinated group that received only the DPT shot, as compared to the unvaccinated group.  If the children also received the OPV vaccine, there was a 5-fold higher death rate.  All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased by 112% after the introduction of these vaccines.”
  • March 2017 – The Lancet | eBioMedicine: The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment – Peter Aaby et al – The Guinea-Bissau vaccinated vs unvaccinated all cause mortality study – READ

April 15, 2017 – Dr Brownstein Blog: The Chickenpox Vaccine Mess – ARCHIVE

  • When I was a child, nearly everybody became ill with chickenpox.  Like nearly all kids, when I became ill with it, I stayed home from school about a week and fully recovered. ..All that changed in 1995, when the FDA licensed and approved the live attenuated chickenpox (varicella) vaccine in persons aged >12 months.  After the vaccine began to be used by most children, the incidence of chickenpox rapidly declined.  However, due to continual outbreaks of chickenpox, a second dose of the chickenpox vaccine was added to the childhood immunization schedule in 2006

March 4, 2017 – International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT): Iodine: The Universal Anti-Cancer Agent | David Brownstein MD – WATCH

January 26, 2017 – Dr Brownstein Blog: Prescription Medications: Third Leading Cause of Death – ARCHIVE

  • “Nearly all prescription medications work by poisoning enzymes and blocking receptors in the body….Health care providers should be searching for ways to make our patients healthier, not just treating symptoms with prescription drugs that provide no health benefits. Drugs do not make us healthier.”

January 14, 2017 – Dr Brownstein Blog: Vaccine Safety Commission: Choose Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – ARCHIVE

  • President-Elect Donald Trump interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  to chair a commission on vaccine safety. Kennedy “is not bought and owned by Big Pharma like most of Congress and the CDC. “

January 8, 2017 – Dr Brownstein Blog: A Doctor Wants Safer Vaccines and All Hell Breaks Loose! – ARCHIVE

  • “A doctor writes about wanting vaccines free of toxic agents and you would think he was a mass murderer by the way other doctors and the media are beating him up. This firestorm should convince everyone that something is terribly wrong with conventional medicine and the media”
  • Dr. Daniel Neides is the Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute wrote on Jan 6, 2017 – Make 2017 the year to avoid toxins (good luck) and master your domain: Words on Wellness – ARCHIVE
    • Does the vaccine burden – as has been debated for years – cause autism? I don’t know and will not debate that here. What I will stand up and scream is that newborns without intact immune systems and detoxification systems are being over-burdened with PRESERVATIVES AND ADJUVANTS IN THE VACCINES.”
    • Dr Neides was forced to apologise – “Cleveland Clinic doc apologizes for anti-vax column, hospital promises discipline” – ARCHIVE


January 3, 2016 – Dr Brownstein Blog: The Great Vaccine Debate – ARCHIVE

  • RE No Vaccination, No Camp. Finally.  – Forbes by Peter LipsonREAD
  • January 4, 2016 – RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE: Dr. Lipson versus Dr. Brownstein: Science versus antivaccine misinformation and fear mongering in my own back yard – READ, CREDIT


October 18, 2013 – InfoWars: Dr. David Brownstein talks about the importance of Lugol’s Iodine WATCH


October 19, 2011- International Medical Council on Vaccination: Should You Get A Flu Shot? by David Brownstein, MD – some data for you to decide – READ

  • “The CDC recommends that all children aged six months and older should get the flu vaccine. However, a review of over 51 studies involving 290,000 children reported, “…no evidence that injecting children 6-24 months of age with a flu shot was any more effective than a placebo. In children over two years, it was effective only 33% of the time in preventing the flu. Stated another way, the flu vaccine was useless for two-thirds of the children that received it. Another study found that the Flumist vaccine “…did not provide any protection against hospitalizations in pediatric subjects, especially children with asthma. On the contrary, we found a {300%} increased risk of hospitalization in subjects who did get the Flumist vaccine.””
  • “A review of 75 studies found that vaccinating the elderly was ineffective at preventing the complications from the flu. In fact, the researchers commented that the available evidence supporting the use of the flu vaccine in the elderly is of such poor quality the studies provide no guidance on the safety of the flu vaccine.”

March 14, 2011 – Biological Medicine: Dr. Mark Sircus and Dr. David Brownstein – Iodine Treatments for Radiation Exposure – Part 1 – WATCH, BACKUP, Part 2 – WATCH, BACKUP

  • important information about iodine supplementation as a vital defense against radiation contamination and damage.


~2004 : Alternative Therapies: Iodine: The most misunderstood nutrient by Dr David Brownstein – WATCH

  • Dr Brownstein shares his journey of awakening to the trap of poly-pharmac

Date Unknown – Dr David Brownstein’s Story – Cured of Asthma – WATCH