Dr Mark Hobart is a GP doctor working in North Sunshine, Melbourne, Victoria since 1985. During the pandemic he provided medical exemptions to thousands of his patients allowing them to opt-out of receiving the brand-new genetic technology COVID-19 vaccines. This action caused Australia’s medical authorities to find fault with informed consent and without due process suspended his medical license, raided his clinic without a warrant and drag him through courts. His patients fully support him.

I’ve captures as many data points as I can to help piece together Dr Mark Hobart’s story, but I’m sure it is not complete, but provides enough information to highlight his brave and ethical plight.

There are more doctors just like him in Australia and around the world.

Dr Hobart’s official links:

  • Twitter: @realMarkHobart – HERE

Links in reverse chronological order


July 23, 2024 – Star Weekly: Sunshine North doctor facing anti-vax allegations – READ

  • Dr Hobart’s ” bid to have misconduct proceedings against him thrown out has had his case dismissed by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).”

July 17, 2024 – Nine News: Suspended Melbourne doctor says he told truth about COVID-19 vaccines – READ

  • Hobart argued that the Board exceeded its jurisdictional powers in the matters, and said it cannot tell doctors what information they can or cannot provide to patients.
  • He also claimed he told the “truth to patients about vaccines” and complied with his duty of care, including the obligation to do no harm.”
  • “Victorians were subject to strict vaccination mandates and mask rules throughout the pandemic….Melbourne’s metropolitan area was subject to six lockdowns of a cumulative 260-plus days in 2020 and 2021, giving the Victorian capital the dubious honour of being the most locked-down city in the world.”

July 12, 2024 – John Larter via X: “AHPRA apology after misleading the Court in Dr Mark Hobart case”. – TWEET

  • Senator Rennick via X: “[AHPRA] claimed they didn’t have patient records of Dr Mark Hobart when in fact they did. At what point is this contempt? At what point is this a breach of of privacy?…”. – TWEET

July 7, 2024 – Via X: A 92-year-old lady sitting near Dr Hobart, and may be having a stroke he Tweets the story of his thinking – TWEET

  • “I’m sitting in my chair wondering what should I do as I’m suspended. … I thought to myself how these bastards in the medical board can influence my thinking about doing medical things in that situation. they really are a bunch of pricks.”

June 25, 2024 – Dr Hobart via X: Hobart vs Medical Board of Australia matter is listed at 10am on 11 July 2024 Their allegations are:…TWEET

  • “2. I issued COVID-19 exemption medical certificates to patients that “ do not meet the requisite criteria” and failed to provide AHPRA with my clinical notes. They state that the Moderna, Jansen-Cilag, Astrazeneca and Pfizer vaccines meet the high safety efficiency and quality standards required for use in Australia and that COVID-19 vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe and effective and are recommended for all Australians from 12 years of age and there are very few situations where a vaccine is contraindicated and that such medical exemption is expected to be rarely required.” [God, help protect us from the Medical Board of Australia!]

February 3, 2024 – Dr Hobart via X: “…I should hear from the High Court in March regarding my appeal about the use of the immediate action suspension power. This will be my second application to the High Court on this matter.” – TWEET


December 19, 2023 – Dr Hobart via X: Medical Board’s “position statement was used to suspend me” which “contravened informed consent the bedrock of medical practice.” – TWEET

November 22, 2023 – Star Weekly: Suspended Sunshine North GP continues his fight – READ

  • November 10, 2023 – Sunshine North doctor, Dr Mark Hobart, will take his case to have his medical registration reinstated to the High Court of Australia to argue his innocence.
  • He states his case was “vital” to stopping “medical tyranny”…“Last week AHPRA sent me the list of the hundred of patients I gave exemptions to. They are going to table it in court as evidence against me. I bet everyone of those patients would testify for me however. This may backfire,”

November 17, 2023 – Herald Sun: A Victorian doctor banned from practising medicine after he was accused of issuing fake Covid vaccine exemptions says he will take his fight to the High Court after he lost his appeal – TWEET

March 17, 2023 – AusDoc: Dr Mark Hobart’s appeal to High Court of Australia rejected -The High Court said Dr Hobart’s appeal was ‘premature’. – READ


October 7, 2022 – AusDoc: Dr Mark Hobart says he issued 2000 COVID-19 vax exemptions before being shut down – He has described writing the certificates as the ‘most important’ work he has done as a doctor – READ

2022 – Mr Hobart stood for the seat of Maribyrnong at the last federal election for the Great Australia Party – REF


  • “Judicial review — Decision of Medical Board of Australia to take immediate action under Health Practitioner Regulation National Law by suspending the plaintiff’s registration as a health practitioner — Whether the Board acted beyond power because it in fact exercised a power to make a finding of professional misconduct…”

July 2, 2022 – Spectator: Vanishing vaccine mandates – No apology from our once-so-zealous public health officials – READ, CREDIT

  • “In Victoria, Dr Mark Hobart is still fighting to have his medical registration restored after it was suspended for the ‘crime’ of issuing temporary exemptions to people who were concerned about the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines. Considering public health officials have now quietly abandoned most of their mandates, and the vaccines have been shown to be ineffective in preventing the spread of Covid, one wonders on what grounds they can possibly justify his suspension.”

March 28, 2022 – Reignite Democracy: The AHPRA Inquisition Against Australian Health Professionals – READ

  • Dr Hobart told Gideon Rozner of the Institute of Public Affairs that he is aware of around 20 suspended doctors in Victoria alone. The exact number is unknown because of the extreme secrecy that surrounds AHPRA’s machinations.


December 21, 2021 – Dr Hobart issued proceedings seeking judicial review of the board’s decision, an application that was heard in the supreme court and subsequently dismissed in November of 2022 – REF

November 17, 2021 – Dr Hobart on Twitter: “I face nervous wait until tomorrow afternoon (being 18/11/21 PM) to find out if I remain as a doctor. . I want to continue serving as a doctor in my community. It’s been an honour and a privilege….” – READ

November 16, 2021 – Supreme Court Proceedings of Hobart v Crawford (S ECI 2021 04250)CREDIT

November 14, 2021 – Dr Mark Hobart makes a statement on X regarding his surgery being raided on Nov 10th with out a warrant, removing private medical records of his patients – WATCH

  • November 16, 2021 – follow up comments by Dr Hobart – WATCH

November 12, 2021 – Seven News: Victorian doctor Mark Hobart accused of issuing fake COVID vaccine exemptions – READ [“fake”??]

  • The offices of Mark Hobart were raided by health department officials who took away patient files and appointment books.
  • his patients say he’s innocent
  • The suspension will last as long as the investigation continues and can only be removed by the Medical Board of Australia or a tribunal.”

November 10, 2021 – Morgan C Jonas (MJC) Report #133: – WATCH, Reignite Democracy – CREDIT

  • Dr Mark Hobart raided by ‘authorised officers’, Craig Kelly MP speaks up for Dr Hobart
  • South Australians, important lessons to learn from Dr Mark Hobarts experience, get to the Rally – WATCH

November 10, 2021 – Seven News: Dr Mark Hobart’s Sunshine North surgery raided [on Nov 10th] by Victoria’s Department of Health amid probe into fake COVID-19 vaccine exemptions – READ

  • “Officials from Victoria’s Department of Health entered the Melbourne GP’s surgery and left with ‘confidential patient files’.”

November 2021 – Dr Hobart was referred to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in November 2021, in regards to issuing falsified COVID-19 exemptions. – REF

  • Dr Hobart’s registration was suspended in 2021 following “investigations by the Medical Board of Australia”
  • Hobart has been suspended since November 2021 based on eight allegations of misconduct, including issuing almost 600 COVID-19 vaccination and mask exemptions. – REF

November 6, 2021 – The Sunday Age: Sunshine North GP probed over fake vaccine exemptions – READ

  • “multiple signs on the door and windows of Dr Hobart’s clinic on McIntyre Road state the clinic was shut down by authorities.”
Dr Mark Hobart’s clinic – source

June 20, 2021 – Reignite Democracy Australia: Is Ivermectin being suppressed as potential treatment for COVID-19? – READ

  • “A follow-up interview with Melbourne GP Dr Mark Hobart confirmed that it is ‘..worth giving Ivermectin triple therapy [Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc] as a treatment for COVID-19 patients because it is harmless medication, it has shown a great deal of promise, and otherwise patients will receive no treatment.’”
  • South African Dr George Coetzee using it successfully using it daily

May 7, 2021 – OPEN LETTER to Professor Brett Sutton from Dr Mark Hobart – This is an urgent and important public health matter – CREDIT